Air Force Asbestos Exposure was prevalent during the 1940’s to the early 1980’s. Asbestos was used extensively in airplanes, airplane parts, vehicle brake pads, roof tar, sealants, concrete foundations, fire-resistant clothing, acoustic titles, pipe insulations and the machines used to build and fix planes.
High cases of Air Force Mesothelioma prompted the Air Force to implement the Asbestos GRADE (Guidance for Rating and Assessing Damage and Exposure). This Air Force Asbestos Exposure Program allows for the control and removal of asbestos based applications and products.
Generally, all Military Exposure cases are the same when it comes to litigation. That is, individuals are unable to sue the branch which they served in. In other words, in every Air Force Mesothelioma case, you may only sue the contractors or manufacturers responsible for your asbestos exposure. Like the Navy, Army, Air Force and Marine exposures, an Air Force Asbestos Exposure may also occur by indirect exposure, a.k.a. Second Hand Exposure. This type of exposure occurs when asbestos particles are transported via clothing, shoes and hair to close associates and family members. Similarly, an asbestos compensation may be pursued. Since mesothelioma has a very long latency period, exposures that occurred 10-20 years ago are just being reported today.
Since every Air Force Mesothelioma case results from an Air Force Asbestos Exposure, it is vital that veterans seek compensation from the responsible parties. An Asbestos Attorney is skilled in all types of Military Exposure cases and will advise you on how to proceed in seeking compensation. The main argument in an Air Force Asbestos Exposure litigation is that of a product liability. Simply stated, an asbestos-based product will release asbestos fibers when filed, sawed or cut. Many Air Force mechanics that did the cutting or sawing of these products over the years eventually developed mesothelioma.
In every product liability case, the court will examine whether “Duty to Warn” was necessary on the part of the manufacturer.
In Wilkerson v. American Honda Motor Co the court reasoned “The manufacturer’s duty to warn is dependent on whether it had knowledge of the hazards associated with its product. Plaintiff, however, does not need to present evidence that defendant had actual knowledge of those dangers. It is enough that plaintiff merely establish that the manufacturer should have known of them” Wilkerson v. American Honda Motor Co., No. 04C-08-268 ASB, 2008 Del. Super. Lexis 26 (Del. Super. Ct. Jan. 17, 2008).
Basically, if you can prove that you have been exposed to asbestos based products while serving, your Asbestos Attorney may move for compensation. Other Air Force high risk jobs include Construction, Demolition, Electricians and Maintenance crews. In litigating your Air Force Asbestos Exposure case, your Asbestos Attorney will further emphasize that the relationship between asbestos and Mesothelioma was long established in the 20’s. That is to say, manufacturers knew exactly how dangerous asbestos was. What’s more, they knew that it caused serious health problems. An asbestos compensation allows Air Force veterans to receive the specialized care they need.
Air Force Asbestos Exposure was to a certain degree common place prior to regulation, some Air Force planes made use of asbestos in their Brakes, Cockpit Heater system, Torque Valves as well as in Gasket and Insulations for electrical wires. Some airmen personally used asbestos as quick fixes in airplanes. When you speak to an Asbestos Attorney, you initiate a process that is vital for compensation. That is, litigation is necessary to receiving the compensation you deserve. Overall, mesothelioma affects veterans in negative ways. It affects health, social and work life. Even more, veterans are left with medical bills that sometimes run up into millions of dollars. When you speak to an Asbestos Attorney, you begin the process of seeking compensatory damages from responsible parties. Remember, in every Air Force Asbestos Exposure Litigation, it is the manufacturer or contractor that is sought for compensation. Specifically, where there is negligence, the need for remedy will also arise. In an Air Force Asbestos Exposure case, litigation will make way for compensation.