The Ledger Law Firm is a national mesothelioma and asbestos law firm representing asbestos victims and their loved ones who have suffered or lost their life as a result of asbestos-related illnesses.
We stand up for the legal rights of the men and women who built this country with their hands in the construction and maritime industries who were wrongly exposed to the dangers of asbestos fibers. We fight for veterans and their families who have been disproportionately harmed by asbestos-related illnesses, as veterans represent a staggering 30% of all mesothelioma deaths known to have occurred in the United States.
And, most importantly, we fight for you and your family once your lives have been changed forever after you or a loved one has been diagnosed with lung cancer, mesothelioma or asbestosis after asbestos exposure.
The Ledger Law Firm Provides Transparent, Dedicated and Compassionate Legal Representation
The stress of asbestos litigation should be placed squarely on your lawyer’s shoulders while your family focuses on recovery and spending quality time together. This can only happen, however, when you have transparent and dedicated legal representation from asbestos and mesothelioma lawyers who have earned your trust.
The Ledger Law Firm will keep you informed of your case’s development every step of the way, working with you and for you to ensure you receive the maximum compensation afforded to you under the law.
Our experience representing clients who have been harmed by asbestos has given us an up-close understanding of how each asbestos-related illness impacts individuals and affects their life. With this understanding, we provide compassionate representation that always takes into account what patients and their families are going through as the case proceeds.
Our team is here for you 24/7, and we are always ready to take your call and provide you and your loved ones with the dedicated legal representation you deserve.
The Ledger Law Firm Delivers Results
Our experience litigating against companies and liable parties for exposing mesothelioma and asbestos victims to harmful asbestos fibers will set you at ease so you may spend more time with family and less worrying about legalities. If your employer negligently subjected you or a family member to asbestos related disease, then you are a victim, and have the rights.
Our reputation for excellence has earned the trust of our clients and the respect of our legal peers. Most importantly, however, is that we earn your trust by delivering you and your loved ones with the results you need.
Part of earning that trust is by providing you with educational and informative online content that keeps you up-to-date on the latest legal news related to mesothelioma lawsuits and other asbestos-related legal news.
When you choose us to represent your case, you are choosing lawyers who will give you all pertinent legal information to present you with all your options. More than $30 billion is already set aside by asbestos companies to compensate victims of mesothelioma for future claims, which is only one possible way to recover compensation you deserve.
We will give you all the options needed to make an empowered and informed decision. From there, we will work to prove that your illness or mesothelioma diagnosis was caused by asbestos exposure, establishing the connection needed to ensure you and your loved ones receive the funds you need.