Mesothelioma Attorneys by State > Oklahoma
Oklahoma Mesothelioma Attorney
Asbestos Exposure by Oklahoma Cities:
If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure from your work site, it is advised to consult an Oklahoma mesothelioma attorney for the legal procedures involved in filing a law suit against the person or company responsible for the contamination. Your Oklahoma mesothelioma lawyer can help you seek retribution for the pain and suffering mesothelioma is making you go through
Mesothelioma is the most dangerous complication of asbestos exposure which is common across many states of America. Asbestos exposure usually occurs at work sites that are contaminated with the fibers of the toxic mineral due to the material being used in the productions of the company. This product has also been used in buildings for insulation purpose s[1]. Hundreds of people have therefore developed the deadly cancer because of asbestos exposure in contaminated work sites. Majority of the employers and owners of these companies fail to warn their employees and workers against the health hazards posed by asbestos. Exposure acquired through work sites does not limit its complications to the workers, but can also induce dangerous disease in their families by second-hand contamination.
Asbestos exposure in Oklahoma:
Mesothelioma is fatal to humans and there are a many people who have lost their lives to mesothelioma resulting from exposure to asbestos. Many Oklahoma workers, residents and veterans have fallen victim to the fatal disease because of work site exposure to the toxic mineral for decades due to the continued processing and usage of asbestos in many of the states important industries today. The disease presents itself in the form of a sudden, aggressive disease which may develop years and in some cases decades after the initial exposure that triggered the development of the cancer. Majority of the people who have the disease are not aware of the fact that medical help and treatment of the disease is available to treat the condition promptly if the diagnosis is made early. It is for this reason that each state resident must be well aware of their legal rights and contacts an Oklahoma mesothelioma attorney as soon as possible if a positive diagnosis of mesothelioma has been made and take legal action.
Mesothelioma and asbestos:
Mesothelioma is one of the most dangerous health hazards caused by the exposure to asbestos. It is a rare form of lung cancer that is usually caused by the inhalation of the fine asbestos fibers into the human respiratory system [2]. These fibers then deposit in the respiratory organs, initially obstructing the normal breathing and then eventually causing cancer. This cancer damages the fine lining covering the abdomen, lungs, heart and other vital internal organs of the body. Another factor that makes the diagnosis of this particular cancer tough is the fact that the latency period of this cancer is unusually prolonged and the symptoms may not manifest in the form of symptoms till years and decades after the initial exposure that triggered the development of the disease. The disease is fatal to humans, but treatment is possible if the cancer is detected at an early stage.
The development of mesothelioma is associated mainly to the inhalation or ingestion of airborne asbestos fibers into the respiratory system. Strict measures are being taken to ensure the ban of the mineral in many industries across the state today, but asbestos had thousands of applications before the ban was imposed and hence thousands of people have acquired exposure to the mineral. During the mid twentieth century, there are many prominent industries as well as many commercial products that made use of asbestos in their manufacturing and operations. The workers of majority of these companies were not informed of the hazards and the risks posed by the exposure to this disease and therefore are being held liable today for the injuries, health complications and even numerous fatalities caused as a result of asbestos related diseases that were induced because of the exposure caused at these companies and industries.
Job sites in Oklahoma with asbestos exposure:
The state of Oklahoma used to be deeply involved in oil production, but today its main industries are telecommunications, air craft and agriculture. Exposure and contamination of asbestos has occurred in nearly fifty six cities in Oklahoma and the figure may rise if the use and processing of asbestos is not regulated properly by the governmental authorities. The city which contributes to the greatest percentage of asbestos exposure caused in the whole of state of Oklahoma is Tulsa. Tulsa is alone accountable for precisely 57 sites where asbestos contamination and exposure has occurred, endangering the lives of workers and residents in the contaminated vicinities. If you have been associated with any industry or company that uses asbestos in any of its operations and developed mesothelioma, you should contact an Oklahoma mesothelioma lawyer and file a case against these companies. The following job sites in Oklahoma have been contaminated with asbestos:
Anadarko Power Plant in Anadarko, the Apco Refinery in Cyril, B.C. Fertilizer Plant in Enid, Army Ammunition Depot in McAlerster, B.C. Fertilizer Plant in Pryor, the Assembly Center in Tulsa, B.F. Goodrich Tire Plant in Miami, Baptist Medical Center in Oklahoma City, Bareco Oil Plant in Barnsdall, the Bakerfield Oil in Bakerfield, the Ben Franklin Oil Refinery in Ardmore, Callery Chemical Plant in Muskogee, the Brown Dunkin Building in Tulsa, the Blue cross building in Tulsa, the Carbon Black Plant in Ponca City and the Brown & Root in Valiant. These sites are a few among many more that have been contaminated with asbestos fibers.
Mesothelioma treatment centers in Oklahoma:
334 people have died due to asbestos related conditions in the state of Oklahoma since the year 1979 [3]. Mesothelioma does not present its symptoms till at least 20 to 30 years after the initial asbestos exposure that triggered its development in the body. Once diagnosed, it is irreversible because it does not have a definite cure. The treatment is both extremely expensive and painful. The following mesothelioma treatment centers are located in Oklahoma for the diagnosis and treatment of mesothelioma:
6151 S. YALE #100
TULSA, OK 74136
2408 E. 81ST ST, SUITE 100
TULSA, OK 74137