Under Mesothelioma Law, four types of asbestos exposure may lead to mesothelioma. These include Commercial and Industrial Exposure, Commercial Product Exposure, Second Hand Exposure and Military Exposure. As pertinent to Mesothelioma Law, and as the name exemplifies, Military Exposure occurs under military working conditions. Over the years, all major branches of the U.S. Armed Forces employed asbestos to a great extent. Navy personnel were exposed to asbestos for long periods of time while serving on ships. Exposure was particularly high in sleeping quarters, engine rooms, galleys and boiler rooms. Those who built and maintained these ships were more exposed to the carcinogen.
Generally, all exposed service members are at the risk of developing mesothelioma. Asbestos was widely used during WW II, Korea, and Vietnam. Asbestos was used on aircraft carriers, destroyers, warships, battleships, submarines; among others. Army personnel were exposed to asbestos while serving in buildings and while working with asbestos based products. Marines were exposed while serving on Navy ships. Like other types of exposures under Mesothelioma Law, exposed veterans may seek compensation. Also, exposure was not limited to service members alone, Second Hand Exposure also occurred. That is, active military members often carried asbestos particles back home to their families. Since medical care for mesothelioma is very expensive, compensation will allow exposed veterans to receive adequate care.
As litigated under Mesothelioma Law, asbestos is a known carcinogen; the Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the International Agency for Research on Cancer have categorized it as such. Generally, mesothelioma is very hard to detect, it is only noticeable when it begins to spread. Even so, doctors often find it hard to remove the tumor because it is usually located in mesothelium lining. Treatments options include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. The treatment employed will depend on the size of tumor and how much it has spread. On the whole, a Mesothelioma Law attorney aims to maximize compensation for the suing litigant. Like their non-military counterparts, diagnosed veterans too suffer loss of income and services. Loss of income occurs as overall health is affected. Furthermore, the diagnosed must spend significant amounts of time attending to the disease. Military use of asbestos was not limited to ships and installations; it was used in hundreds of other applications as well. Mesothelioma Law lawyers are experienced in the litigation of asbestos cases across all military branches and the end-goal is all the same, that is, to get veterans the compensation they deserve. One which further allows them to cover medication, hospitalization and doctor’s fees.
The Air Force used asbestos extensively on many Pre-World War II airplanes. Crewmen and mechanics unaware of the dangers of asbestos used it as a quick fix on plane engines. Some Air Force planes too used asbestos in their Brakes, Cockpit heater system, Torque Valves, Gaskets, Electrical Wire Insulation, Heat Shields for Engines; among others. As pertinent to Mesothelioma Law, wherever asbestos particles are inhaled, mesothelioma will eventually manifest. An asbestos settlement allows veterans to take charge of the disorder while taking control of loss of income and services as well.