An Asbestos Settlement arises from the exposure to asbestos. It is the main and final objective of every mesothelioma lawyer. Generally speaking, when asbestos particles invade the outer lung tissue, mesothelioma is what results. Asbestos exposure may be of four kinds; these include Military, Industrial, Product and Second Hand Exposure. Irrespective of the mode of exposure, there is a need for Asbestos Settlement in all instances.
In the middle of the twentieth century, the connection between asbestos and health problems was established. Right around the same time, asbestos was seen as highly beneficial for its heat resistant properties, and as research shows, it is a deadly carcinogen that is able to cause mesothelioma in little as 1 to 3 months of exposure. Overall, asbestos is heavily regulated in many applications; however, it is still in many old products at dangerous levels. As such, exposure is not diminished because of regulation.
Most Asbestos Settlement cases originate from the Industrial-Commercial Exposure. As the name states, exposure occurs when employers wrongfully expose their employees to the carcinogen. The driving point behind Asbestos Settlement cases is the simple fact that employers knew that asbestos fibers cause serious health effects, yet, they did nothing to protect their workers. When consistent exposure to asbestos manifests as mesothelioma, the patient’s work life, social life and family life is seriously affected. In seeking a rightful Asbestos Settlement, a Mesothelioma Lawyer will lay these facts before jury. Your lawyer will also highlight your employer’s failure to provide a safe working-environment. In legal language, the employers’ failure to provide an asbestos-free environment is called a “Breach of Duty.” Although it is often for the courts to decide. Keep in mind, it is hard to detect mesothelioma and most mesothelioma cases are often litigated years after exposure.
On the other hand, in a Commercial Product Exposure, it is the manufacturer of the carcinogenic product that is the “defendant” if the one exposed sues. Still, it is possible to have an employer and manufacturer as defendants in an Industrial-Commercial Exposure case. In a Product Exposure case, an Asbestos Settlement too is the Mesothelioma Lawyer’s objective. Examples of such products include cement, ceiling and tiles. If you have worked with any of these products that make use of asbestos as such, then you have an increased chance of developing mesothelioma. Hence, if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, monetary compensation is beyond necessary, it is essential. In other words, an Asbestos Settlement will allow you to get proper medical attention; mesothelioma requires specialized treatment. Since there is an evident link between asbestos and mesothelioma, the relevant question is that of exposure. Once your lawyer identifies the party responsible for your exposure, and if found negligent, an Asbestos Settlement ensues. In addition to medical expenses, there is also the loss of income that arises from the inability to work; an Asbestos Settlement will allow you regain your lost income.
While it is impossible to undo the effects of asbestos fibers, an Asbestos Settlement will to the most extent address majority of the burdens that accompany mesothelioma. By seeking an Asbestos Settlement, you exercise you legal rights, not to mention, you prevent others from being exposed in a similar manner. In regards to negligence in general, there have been documented cases of manufacturers concealing the dangerous effects of asbestos, as such was the trend in the 70’s and 80’s. Note, there are Asbestos Settlement Trust Funds containing billions of dollars to compensate workers who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or asbestos related diseases.
In seeking compensatory damages, your Mesothelioma Lawyer will seek to maximize your award. Also, most lawyers will accept your case on a contingency fee basis. While exposure to asbestos begins the chain of events, it does not necessarily have to be the end of it. In other words, when you hire a Mesothelioma Lawyer, you position yourself for an Asbestos Settlement.