Mesothelioma Attorneys by State > Maine
Maine Mesothelioma Attorney
Bath Mesothelioma Attorney
The CDC has found that Maine is the state with the highest rate of malignant mesothelioma deaths in the country between 1999 to 2015. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is caused by asbestos exposure, which is why Maine has been so disproportionately affected.
Maine has earned a reputation for shipbuilding that dates back to the 1800s, and that proud tradition has been exhibited in Bath, Maine as well. Unfortunately, shipbuilding and construction workers who worked at job sites through the 1970s were most at risk for contracting an asbestos-related illness.
Since asbestos fibers are durable and are naturally resistant to fire and explosions, asbestos was commonplace in 20th century construction sites and shipyards. Maine’s shipbuilding history, then, is one of the leading reasons why Maine’s incidence rates for mesothelioma are so high.
Bath Asbestos Exposure
Bath’s very own Bath Iron Works Shipbuilding is one of the more well-known asbestos job sites in the state of Maine. Built and established in the late 1800s, Bath Iron Works was first a business that made castings, which eventually led to new acquisitions and additional foundries and plants. Over time, Bath Iron Works created a steel shipbuilding plant that built its first ship in 1890.
Throughout various ups and downs over the years since, Bath Iron Works has built ships during the World Wars to the present day. While this is undoubtedly a proud part of Maine’s illustrious history, Bath Iron Works was also a job site where asbestos was regularly used.
Since asbestos can take decades to manifest into mesothelioma, Maine residents who used to work at a Bath Iron Works job site may be at risk for mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma due to asbestos exposure at a previous job site, know that there is legal compensation available for victims of asbestos exposure. For this reason, it is in the best interests of you and your loved ones to talk to a Bath mesothelioma lawyer as soon as you are aware of an asbestos-related illness.
Talk to an Augusta Mesothelioma Attorney
If you worked at Bath Iron Works or any other asbestos job site in Bath or the state of Maine, your best course of action is to speak with a Maine mesothelioma lawyer. Finding a lawyer you trust and who dedicates themselves to providing you with compassionate representation is the most likely path toward holding companies responsible for your asbestos exposure.
If you are ready to receive the compensation you deserve for wrongful asbestos exposure that may have occurred decades prior, contact The Ledger Law Firm for a consultation with a Bath mesothelioma lawyer who can show that your mesothelioma was caused by exposure to harmful asbestos fibers.
We are a national law firm representing asbestos victims and their loved ones, and we look forward to standing up for your legal rights and the rights of asbestos victims across the country.
Mesothelioma treatment centers in Maine:
The treatment of mesothelioma is often costly and painful for its victims. Here are mesothelioma treatment centers in Maine:
PORTLAND, MAINE 04101-3537
Asbestos Exposure by Maine Cities: