Mesothelioma Attorneys by State > Missouri
Kansas City Asbestos Attorney
While Kansas City is known today for its love of music, barbecue and professional sports, the city’s growth was fueled by the railroad and cattle booms in the 1800s. Since then, Kansas City has completed numerous significant industrial projects, such as the Kansas City International Airport and Ford Motor Company’s large manufacturing facility located near the city.
Unfortunately, asbestos was widely used at these types of industrial jobsites up until the asbestos ban in the 1970s, which has created a dangerous and deadly health issue for too many Kansas City workers.
Why Is Asbestos Exposure Dangerous?
Exposure to asbestos in the workplace or older homes can cause asbestosis, asbestos-related lung cancer and mesothelioma. All of these diseases can cause death and often do, making asbestos a leading health hazard for workers and military veterans who worked at a jobsite that used asbestos.
Unfortunately, asbestos was indeed widely used at industrial sites, prized for its ability to resist heat and chemicals while remaining durable. When asbestos is disturbed, however, the mineral’s microscopic fibers are released into the air. Once these fibers are swallowed or inhaled, they can enter the body and affect the lining of the lungs, leading to cancerous mesothelioma.
However, the latency period between asbestos exposure and a mesothelioma diagnosis can take decades, but the cancer progresses rapidly once the disease gestates. Survival rates for pleural mesothelioma are approximately 1 in 3 for patients to survive the first year post-diagnosis, and the five-year survival rate is approximately 10%.
In short, the harms of asbestos take an extensive toll on its victims, both in terms of financial costs and lost lives. Too many Kansas City workers and families have experienced these truths firsthand.
Asbestos Exposure in Kansas City
Kansas City is included as parts of four Missouri counties, and these counties collectively suffered from approximately 600 asbestos-related deaths from 1999 to 2013.
These findings based on CDC data are reinforced by the numerous jobsites that exposes Kansas City workers to asbestos, which include but are not limited to:
- Alcazar Hotel
- American Tobacco Company
- Bryant Building
- General Motors
- Kansas City Electric Light Company
- Kansas City International Airport
- Midwest Steel Division
- Nabisco
- NY Life Insurance Company
- Union Carbide Corporation
If you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos at these or any other jobsites before receiving a mesothelioma diagnosis, talk to a Kansas City mesothelioma lawyer today.
Talk to a Kansas City Mesothelioma Lawyer
Kansas City workers and veterans who were wrongly exposed to asbestos and received an asbestos-related disease diagnosis are entitled to legal compensation for their injuries. Our team will provide you and your family with the dedicated legal representation needed to prove that your disease was caused by a wrongful asbestos exposure. This proof will make sure you are compensated for medical costs or the loss of a loved one who passed away from an asbestos-related disease.
Contact us online today to pursue justice and the legal compensation to which you are legally entitled.
Mesothelioma treatment centers in Missouri
The treatment of mesothelioma is often very painful and can be very costly. If you have worked at any of the above mentioned job sites in the state of Missouri you should ideally get a mesothelioma screening done as soon as possible as mesothelioma tends to remain dormant for many decades until it becomes fatal. Here are some mesothelioma treatment centers that treat mesothelioma in the state of Missouri:
ST. LOUIS, MO 63141