One of the subjects that is most difficult to discuss regarding mesothelioma is the low survival rates that patients face. Sadly, mesothelioma takes a great toll on mesothelioma victims and family members, with less than 10% of pleural mesothelioma patients surviving more than five years after their diagnosis date.

Other forms of mesothelioma are similarly fatal, and the lives that have been lost to mesothelioma are disproportionately United States veterans. Indeed, nearly 1 out of every 3 mesothelioma deaths has been a United States veteran. Whether you are a veteran or anyone else dealing with the difficulties of mesothelioma, you deserve the best of care and legal decision-making.

At some point, it will be in your best interests and the interests of your family to make critically important end-of-life care and legal decisions.

How to Decide When Ending Treatment Is the Best Course of Action

In simplest terms, this overwhelmingly difficult decision is largely, but not exclusively, a personal one. Many mesothelioma patients will still wish to discuss this sobering decision with loved ones to ensure the family is united. Of course, this may not always be possible, but opting to receive palliative treatment instead of curative treatment can be a beneficial way to reduce pain and improve quality of life once it becomes clear that all options have been considered.

For loved ones who strongly believe curative treatment is the best path forward, it may help for patients to remind those loved ones that all options were considered. Making this difficult decision is made far easier when a family supports the patient, which is why it may also help to remind loved ones how much their support means.

In the meantime, once you choose to end curative treatment, you can begin discussions with your doctors on how to maximize your quality of life while preparing for the path ahead. One such option is hospice care, which accepts that death is inevitable. In doing so, all steps can be taken to make sure you are as comfortable as possible, rather than painfully extending life expectancy for days or months because of difficult treatment options.

Advance Directives

If you have specific and exact wishes regarding your mesothelioma treatment, an advance directive can ensure those wishes are followed. These legal documents can specifically outline all the treatments you wish to avoid or, alternatively, accept.

If it appears increasingly likely that passing away from mesothelioma is a distinct possibility, it is generally advisable to create this legal document. And, once written, make sure that all close family members have copies of the legal document or access to it, which will serve to make sure that your wishes are carried out responsibly.

These are just two of the most pressing end-of-life issues that often face a mesothelioma patient and family members, but they are some of the most important issues to address. Despite the difficult nature of these decisions, making the right choices can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life in their final days and weeks.

At The Ledger Law Firm, we are here to help you answer all questions concerning your mesothelioma claim and care, including the most difficult ones. Contact our team to discuss your claim with a caring, compassionate and dedicated mesothelioma lawyer at Ledger Law today.